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The first thing to remember is that the photos are intended to show interest areas – not specific careers. Just choose the one that you dislike the least. The 60 photo selections will be combined to identify your interests.

By clicking on the photos that you like, you are identifying your interests. In this way, we are narrowing down your career interests using the RIASEC career model. The RIASEC model has been studied for almost 60 years and has more empirical support than any other career theory out there. Students in career development classes who used the RIASEC model to match themselves to interest clusters had more career certainty and greater career decision making self-efficacy than students who did not. Further, a match between one’s interest code and one’s career code (also known as person environment fit) has been linked to greater career stability and job satisfaction. The images that you see in me3 have been calibrated against results that from validated assessments such as the Strong Inventory Assessment.

You will be shown three careers that most closely align with your RIASEC code. You can choose to remove a career from the list by clicking on the “x”. The career that aligns the next most closely to your interest areas. Even if you don’t immediately connect with the career choices you are given, we encourage you to look at what those careers have in common. Remember that this tool is intended to start the exploration process, kick off some conversations – not to be the “silver bullet” answer.

me3 uses a sophisticated Euclidean distance matching algorithm. Based on your image selections you receive a score in each of the 6 RIASEC categories; me3 then compares your scores to those of more than 500 careers based on data provided by the U.S. Department of Labor. The results you see are the careers with scores that are most similar to your individual results across each of the 6 categories.

If you have identified that you want to change your major, the first thing we suggest is that you contact your academic advisor. They can help put you in touch with the right advising staff in the new major in order to make the change.


Video References